What should be paid attention to when choosing the supplier of glass fixings?
Although at first sight it may seem that the price is the only criterion for the choice of glass fixings and tension rods, it is in fact be reasonable to pay attention to other important aspects which are not so easily tangible. In the light of the experience of the fitters, important criteria for the selection of offers are outlined below. They should help to avoid costly problems in the future.
- Offers must be comparable. Is the material of the products the same? What about the quality of surface finishing? Have the products been tested or do they have the necessary documentation? Are the strength values of the product the same? Does the requested project offer include everything you need and is the quantity the same? Does the offer include transport to the customer? The answers to these questions should be made clear to make the best choice.
- The product must have a valid certificate for use in the European Union. If the product does not have a valid certificate, it will cause problems with the construction supervision or the contracting authority.
- The supplier must be technically competent and capable of answering detailed questions. Only then can you be sure that you can get the right solution to the project and get the right answers when questions arise. If the supplier is unable to provide sufficient technical support for the products, this may mean inappropriate solutions and a later need to redo the project.
- Can the supplier solve non-standard situations and design specific solutions with performance calculations for glass and steel? If the supplier is unable to do it, the additional costs relating to the involvement of the engineering company must be taken into account.
- How large is the stock of products and what is the security of supply? If the stock balance does not cover your needs and the security of the supply is low, you may be in a situation where the budgeted price bursts due to the extra costs of a quick delivery.
- The supplier must be able and motivated to be responsible for the quality of the product in the event of problems with the quality of the product later. If the supplier is located far away or is a weak company, it may not be interested or able to take responsibility for the non-conforming product.
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